Dr. Marlies Bitter, graduated in Contemporary History (MA, Nijmegen) and holds a PhD in Educational Technology on knowledge Support for Virtual teamwork. She worked in secondary education as a teacher trainer and held a research position as Assistant Professor at the Open University of the Netherlands (OUNL) concurrently realizing Edumedia applications. Her R&D interest focuses on Media & AI literacy, education for sustainable development (ESD), open education (OER) business modelling, co-creativity and, self-organized professional learning.

Her endeavor to find new methods and applications that meet the learning needs of adults led to the
foundation of the company „Bitviser“ (2018), where she currently works as an independent
researcher and development consultant.

She is board member of ESEC, Vienna (European Society for Education and Communication) and
member of GPI (Gesellschaft für Pädagogik, Information und Medien e.V.Berlin).